Unrestricted Warfare

"Unrestricted Warfare," penned by Chinese strategists Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui, and a driving force of the droctrine the Communist Party and the PLA use in their war with the United States, unveils a modern war doctrine that transcends traditional boundaries. It delves into diverse methods of attack, from psychological warfare to economic and technological maneuvers.

The book's core principle is a "composite force," blending military and non-military strategies to attain strategic objectives. This concept challenges the conventional lines between war and peace, where economic competition, cyber warfare, and information manipulation are weapons of choice.

In recent USA-China relations up to September 2021, echoes of "Unrestricted Warfare" reverberate. The rivalry extends into economic realms, cybersecurity disputes, information campaigns, and technological pursuits. It's a multifaceted contest, akin to a composite force of old and new tactics.

While the book doesn't represent official Chinese doctrine, it influences debates on China's strategic outlook. The USA-China dynamic remains intricate, reflecting a complex interplay of interests and strategies, mirroring the book's central message of fluid and boundary-defying warfare.

Defense Against Unrestricted Warfare:

Conventional military thinking proves inadequate in the face of these multifaceted threats. The authors advocate for a new approach—a "composite force" that encompasses all facets of national interest. This force must be capable of harmoniously melding military and non-military methods, forging a "grand warfare method."

In essence, they propose a comprehensive strategy that transcends the boundaries of traditional warfare, blending various tactics across military and non-military spheres to achieve strategic goals. This represents a departure from the warfare doctrines of yore, adapting to the complexities of the modern world.

"Unrestricted Warfare" challenges the established norms of battle, stressing the need for an all-encompassing and adaptable approach to confront the diverse challenges and threats of the contemporary era.